‘I make sculptures with light thanks to my love of architecture. For me, these pieces have to create mystery, an intimate atmosphere, because the thing that is inside architecture is intimacy.’
‘Technically, biscuit porcelain is what you get when you heat clay. I’ve always worked like this because I like raw material. The finish under light is gentle, magnificent. You’d almost think that my pieces are made of stone.’
Guy Bareff has lived many lives. He was born in Macon the son of a ceramic artist who was one of the founders of the legendary Poteries d’Accolay.
At an early age he went to work in his father’s studio… even though he would have preferred to train as an architect.
From the 1960s to the 80s he found success fitting out with sculptural lighting the first Club Méditerranée holiday villages. At the time the concept was revolutionary – a careful blend of architecture and decoration.
After that he was in turn musician, stage actor, writer, yogi and painter… before returning to ceramics after a decade or so, what with the stirrings of the revival movement in the 1960s-70s, which rekindled his passion for creation.